Thanks to everyone who sent congragulations...
Very much appreciated.
Regarding net pictures.,it will happen as soon as I am able,but as yet,I
don't even have any pictures of the completed car myself!!! it is really that
There is however,a distinct possiblity that it will feature in Triumph
So keep an eye out for it. It wears the same registration that it was given
first time out,back on 1st April 1963...yes another 'All Fools Day'
Registration numbers here in the UK stay with a car for life under normal
My Vitesse bears <7546 PJ> which is kind of neat,because it is apparently
worth about 1200 GBP in its' own right here in the UK.
Presently,I'm doing final fettling,mostly small adjustments,leaky fuel sender
unit,suspect headlamp connection,workshop dirt n'dust everywhere and then
hood/soft-top to be fitted shortly,then off up to Newton Commercial to fit
the carpet set etc,giving me the opportunity to 'run-in' the newly rebuilt
engine before torquing down the cylinder head.
Inbetween times,I'll be touching-in all those inevitable small paint chips
that always occur when any car is 'fitted-up' .
Today amongst many other details,I fitted my 1965ish radiomobile radio on
factory Stanpart/Triumph bracket which I picked up at an 'autojumble' here
for 35 GBP,and it slotted straight into position,as the holes were already
pre-drilled under my dashboard by a PO. MW/LW only,but hey who cares? It
looks great with chrome knobs,orange station indicator wire,warm golden glow
from the tuning strip light,and that little orange 'power on' indicator at
the top left.
Maybe later I'll fit a modern sound system,but hidden from prying eyes and
fitted sympathetically to keep everything looking period and correct.
Regards to u all
Leon F Guyot
nb."Verily,I am exultant,expressing great Triumph"