Ken Streeter wrote:
> Gary Nafziger wrote:
> > I know, I know, I need to listen and take notes when things
> > appear but what was the correct oil for the tranny again?
> > TR-6. Thanks a million.
> Assuming that you do *NOT* have overdrive, a GL4-spec
> 80W90 gear oil is the conventional oil to use. This is
> not particularly expensive, even if it is somewhat difficult
> to find.
> Do NOT use a GL5 oil, as this is corrosive to the brass
> components in the gearbox. This is the gear oil that
> you will find all over the place.
> If you have a leak-free gearbox (or deeper pockets)
> you may want to go to a synthetic gear oil. I have
> heard good things about Redline MT-90, which is specially
> formulated for manual transmissions, and is not corrosive
> to brass components.
> For overdrive transmissions, a different oil is called
> for. I'll leave the discussion of oils in OD trannies
> to those who actually own OD Triumphs! (If anybody out
> there has a J-type overdrive for a TR6 that they would
> like to go to a good home, I have just the car for it...)
> --ken
> '74 TR6 Daily Driver
> --
> Kenneth B. Streeter | EMAIL:
> Sanders, PTP2-A001 |
> PO Box 868 | Voice: (603) 885-9604
> Nashua, NH 03061 | Fax: (603) 885-0631
I was reading your message on Red Line oils, do the by any chance have
an e-mail address?
I can't seem to find any one in Houston that carries it.
Larry Zink