I posted yesterday for advice on how to deal with a rounded off bleed screw
and brake line nut on rear brakes for my Spitfire. I forget now who rounded
them off. <G>
ANYway consensus seems to be to toss the cylinder and get a new one, brakes
being rather important things. The new part will be in on Monday.
Re bending the new brake line to fit I got excellent the suggestion to buy
some brakeline at the parts store and practice on that before doing the real
part. Also to do so AFTER buying the tool for same.
Thanks to all who replied. BTW, once I decided to replace the part I got
braver (nothing to lose) and DID get the brake line unscrewed from the
cylinder. With renewed vigor attacked the bleed screw and succeeded in
breaking it about 1/16th in. above the level of the cylinder body. Had fun,
Now with the piston out of the discarded brake cylinder I can feel a slight
ridge around the diameter of and about halfway down inside the cylinder.
Does this mean it was trash in the first place?