On Fri, 18 Apr 1997 20:10:49 -0700 Bill Wood <triumph1@nr.infi.net>
>I'm going to jump in on the clutch fork repair debate. After having
>lost two transmissions due to a broken fork pin overstressing the
>internals, I searched for and answer. The mechanic that rebuilt my
>transission suggested welding the fork on the shaft. I was really
>against it. Just ask anybody in the Triumph Club of The Carolinas
>a stickler I am for keeping my cars stock.
>After listening to the mechanic's explanation, I consented
>This was back in 1986. I haven't had a moments trouble since then. I
>guess if I ever need to replace the shaft, I'll cuss the DCO (dumb
>current owner). Until then, I'll enjoy the peace of mind of knowing
>that the stupid pin is not going to break of and ruin another
>Bill Wood--dumb current owner
>1973 TR6
>1979 TR8 Coupe
>1981 TR8 F.I.
>Greensboro, N.C.
When I rebuilt my TR6 gearbox the DPO had also welded the fork to the
shaft which meant that I had to cut the shaft off and replace it during
the rebuild.
Dean Houston of British Sports Car Works ( Boca Raton, FL) came up with a
better idea. He takes the shaft and cross drills another hole through
both the fork and the shaft and installs another bolt. The procedure
is done on his milling machine to ensure that everything lines up. He
also makes new hardware from grade 8 stock to replace the old bent and
stretched original bolt/pin.
After taking the gearbox apart last year to replace a broken gear, I was
very glad that I didn't just repeat the welding procedure.
I know Dean has made several kits for other people including the fork,
shaft and securing bolts. Also, any reasonable machine shop should be
able to do the job as well.
Larry Miceli
'76 TR6
'73 Stag
'66 Herald