I recieved my procduction certificate today from BMIH
The birth day is the 12th of may 1965 an the name triumph spitfire mkII
Since then the engine has been changed the original was FC/60028-HE.
On the part where they specify th equipment none of my extra equipment
was listed
- Hardtop
- Original wooden steering wheel
- Leather seats
- Sunvisors
- Voltage gauge
The car was exported to denmark and according to the first swedish owner
in 1966 it was equipped with all the extras.
Why is not the parts listed in BMIH, was the parts added by the dannish
importer?. I have heard that taxes was high on a car with extra
equipment in the 60's. Taxes was based on the total price.
The equipment that i have was very expensive so the first owner must
have equipped it or the importer added theese parts after the delivery
to avoid taxes.
Does anyone have an idea?
Name: Robert Ylitalo
City/Country: Kiruna, Sweden
Cars: Spitfire mk2 1965
Ford Mondeo Hgv 94
Homepage: http://www.kiruna.se/~roberto/
Triumph page: http://www.kiruna.se/~roberto/triumph/triumph.html
E-mail: robert.ylitalo@kiruna.se