> Hello Dave. I will be in Row E, Location 39 E-39. Got my window
> sticker today in the mail. Will be there Friday, Saturday, and
> Sunday for a while. It is a 10 hour drive up for me. Up I-81. It
> is a nice drive. Sunday afternoon I will be driving up to upstate NY
> to see family. I might bring up a 80 MGB with OD tranny. If does
> not sell for $1800 I will take and leave in NY State. For my family
> to sell. Does any one need anything. Will cary it up for ya'll John
> Flintstone, ga.
----John, if you have any Trafalgar windshield washer knobs&
pumps and also Any Smith's Radiomobile radios & installation kits I would
take them off your hands!!!!