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TR6 Body Shells (was Re: Body Dolly / Plans)

To: Tom Tweed <>
Subject: TR6 Body Shells (was Re: Body Dolly / Plans)
From: Ken Streeter <>
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 15:39:17 -0400
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Lockheed Sanders, Inc.
References: <>
Tom Tweed wrote:

> You might be able to find someone who has bought one of the new
> TR-6 body shells..

I'm getting a little off the original thread with this,
but I just read somewhere (current issue of Practical
Classics?) in a brief article with some noteworthy TR
authority (Graham Robson?) that the TR6 body shells
reproduced by British Motor Heritage were not selling
well at all, in marked contrast to the MGB body shells.  

I seem to recall that the article indicated that less
than 100 TR6 body shells had been sold, all together,
representing really only one production run, while
thousands of MGB shells had been sold to date.  Has
anybody else heard this?  If so, can you confirm or
deny accuracy?  I fear that TR6 body shell production
may be lost forever, at least at a reasonable cost,
if the volume doesn't pick up drastically!


Kenneth B. Streeter         | EMAIL:
Sanders, PTP2-A001          | 
PO Box 868                  | Voice: (603) 885-9604
Nashua, NH 03061            | Fax:   (603) 885-0631

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