My recommendation would be to take all the parts to a reputable glass shop
in your area and negotiate the installation of the glass. One slight
miscalculation and you will be buying new glass - again. It is not a
particularly hard job, but it does take a precise amount of pressure to
get it all together.
| CARL F. MUSSON, Coordinator |
| Tampa, FL Opinions expressed are mine and not of my employer.|
\ '58 TR3A (TS25264L) - /
On Thu, 10 Apr 1997, C M Michalski wrote:
> Fellow listers,
> I have recently acquired a '63 TR3B (to replace the '59 that was
> totaled last summer) and it needs some tinkering to be road worthy. I
> have been reading various threads on subjects that will eventually be
> important to me as I get to them and I'm sure there will be many more
> posts to the list.
> But my first question concerns the installation of a new
> windscreen. I have the entire assembly apart and old glass out. I have
> the seals, etc. to do the build-up, butt having never done this before, I
> wondered if there are any precautions, hints or tricks in getting the new
> glass/rubber seal in the frame without botching up either. As usual,
> when you buy the parts, instructions are extra, same as in a repair shop
> I presume.
> Thanks in advance for your advice.
> Mike Michalski