You will need to repolarize the new generator. The drill is outlined in
the Triumph Register homepage and involves taking a long wire from the
battery (either pos or neg, depending on whether you have converted to neg
ground or have left it Pos ground; you want to have the "hot" lead
connected to the battery) and touching for a few seconds to the field
terminal on the new generator. The section of the FAQ from
"7.Disconnect the two leads to the generator. Temporarily connect one end
of a length of wire to the positive terminal of the battery. Touch the
other end of the wire to the F terminal on the generator (the one the
smaller lead is connected to, wire is brown with green stripe) several
times briefly. This repolarises the field windings so you get the proper
output. 8.Reconnect the two leads to the generator. "
Really easy.
I did read a thread on this group a few days that suggested just hooking up
the new generator and letting the car figure it out by itself, but there is
no reason why you should not do it the right way from the start.
Good luck.
> From: Zink <>
> To:
> Subject: generator polarizing
> Date: Sunday, April 06, 1997 11:31 AM
> Fellow Scions,
> As I sit waiting ever so impatiently for our "dear friends" at Vicky
> Brit to sent my order(been waiting for almost 3 weeks). I was
> wondering if anyone can tell me if I will need to polarize the new
> generator when it arrives or if it should be pre-polarized from the
> shop? And if I need to polorazie it how do I do it? Nothing is
> mentioned in either my Clymer or Haynes manuals.
> Larry Zink
> 1964 Spitfire4