Jim Cullen wrote:
> tried the driver side and ended
> up with the ball joint coming apart with the bolt left in the stud axle
> carrier (firmly stuck in). My thought is to get a dremel and cut off the
> bolt and then drill out the rest of the bolt. However, I'm open to other
> suggestions if anyone has faced this problem before.
Do you have a compressor? If so, an impact hammer might work. They are
really inexpensive (under $20.00) and really put alot of force on a
small area. An impact hammer will destroy just about anything you use it
on if you are not real careful, but since your ball joint is already
toast, I'd try it. A trick I learned is to install the nut a few turns
onto the bolt. A coule turns of thread need to be showing. Then the nut
will hold the tip of the impact hammer on the end of the bolt.
If that fails, I would try to use as little heat as possible on the stud
axle, then the impact hammer.
I assume you have soaked everything with penetrating oil by now, right?
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| Henry Frye E-mail thefryes@iconn.net |
| TR3B TCF1927 L http://www.iconn.net/thefryes/ |
| TR250 CD8096 L A Little Town In |
| TR250 CD1074 L Connecticut, USA |
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