--Boundary (ID 878eT7KLqnyxmBU2K+fZtg)
Hi Chaps - for those folks wanting more information on the
Rally In The Valley being held in Penticton B.C. on July 4,
5, &6 , the Okanagan British Car Club is constructing a
web page which has all the info on the rally and a registration
Hope to see you in Penticton.
Len Drake
--Boundary (ID 878eT7KLqnyxmBU2K+fZtg)
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Date: Thu, 03 Apr 1997 17:28:14 -0800
From: drake@direct.ca (len drake)
Subject: Rally In The Valley
To: triumphs@autox.team.net
Cc: healeys@autox.team.net
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--Boundary (ID 878eT7KLqnyxmBU2K+fZtg)--