S. Ristroph writes:
>My LBC is currently in the shop for repairs. I thought it was a bad
u-joint. The shop has informed me that my car was fitted with a strap type
drive shaft. The straps are breaking, four of them are broken out of the
eight (This is what the shop told me). The straps took the parking brake
cable with them when they let loose. My question is: should I fix the drive
shaft with new straps or install a new drive shaft without straps?
Fixing the strap type is fairly easy, and as long as the inner shaft and 'O'
ring are O.K. that's what I would do. But make sure you check the inner
shaft and 'O' ring. If these are badly worn it may be why the straps
started cracking and broke in the first place and in that case it may be
wiser to replace the shaft altogether, a lot more expensive though.
Barry Schwartz
Bschwartz@encad.com (San Diego)
72-V6 Spitfire (daily driver)
70 GT6+ (when I don't drive the Spit)
70 Spitfire (body repair almost done)