neil drake wrote:
> I would love a copy of these schematics. An error I just noticed is that
> secondary inductance is more in the range of 45 Henries(not milli henries).
> This considerably lowers resonant frequency.
Well, Neil, perhaps an adjustment in the variables in the capacitance
formula might help--since A is mostly dependent on the area of charged
potential, the limiting factor would be the area of the center
electrode, about 2.5 sq. mm, not 7. e of 1 is based on the permittivity
of clean air at STP, I think, so what would the permittivity be in the
active circuit, i.e., a stoichiometric mixture at about 8-9 bar and 120
deg. C? Last, I think the air gap might be a little large--3 mm is
nominally 0.120". Even an HEI ignition runs at about 1 mm, and a stock
ignition system would be around 0.7 mm. Maybe there's an order of
magnitude or two in the calculation of C.
My other Triumph doesn't run, either....