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RE: Preserve vs Restore TR3

Subject: RE: Preserve vs Restore TR3
From: (Kurt Oblinger)
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 97 16:11:15 PST
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
First of all, its your car and you should do with it whatever
you wish.

Now for my opinion. Well preserved original cars are the rarest
and most valuable. They command the best prices generally if not
all the trophies. The best philosophy may be to preserve and maintain.
Any mechanical work required to keep the car in good running order
should be done. If an original part is replaced with a repro, keep
the original on the shelf. Many classic car organizations are
creating special categories for original cars so they aren't lined
up against trailer queens.

The best solution to this dilemma may be the one I have taken. Get
several cars and do one for show, one for driving, and one for
racing. Of course, at the rate I am going, I should have this task
acomplished around my 112th birthday.

It sounds like you have a real gem. First, take plenty of photos.

Kurt Oblinger
Redondo Beach, Ca.
TR2 TR3 TR7 Doretti Sports 6 Mini Norton

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