Hi Bob and others;
Whilst I am not a tuning wizard,I do own a Triumph Vitesse with a 2L Mk.2
Vitesse engine fitted with a Holbay Camshaft,Tubular Exhaust
Manifold/Headers,and Triple Weber 40DCOE-18 Carburettors etc.
It is just approaching the end of a very long,difficult,and expensive total
I have not yet driven it! and it has but 2 miles on the odometer.
one put there by Speedy Cables in London when recalibrating the speedo,
(an excellent service by the way,I cannot praise them enuff)
and the other one when the owner of the workshop finishing off my car for me,
drove my car,under it's own power from the workshop to a storage barn to
overwinter and give me time to 'financially gather myself together'...
Anyhow,obviously,I have been trying to find details of jets etc for these
Webers from as many sources as possible,and have determined the following
info' which may be of use to some of you:
(likewise,I would be very interested in seeing details of other combinations
out there!)
I intend to run-in my freshly rebuilt engine on the jets fitted,and after,say
2000 miles.I'll get my Vitesse down to the rolling road/dynamometer to be
correctly tuned.
1)from Haynes Weber manual:
Choke<27> Auxilliary Venturi<4.5> Main Jets<1.30> Emulsion Tubes<F2>
Air Corrector Jets<1.60> Idle Jets<0.50/F11> Accelerator Pump Jets<0.45>
2)from Triumph Tune/Moss,as recommended for their 'Road' Camshaft:
Choke<28> Auxilliary Venturi<4.5> Main Jets<1.15> Emulsion Tubes<F16>
Air Corrector Jets<1.75> Idle Jets<0.50/F9> Accelerator Pump Jets<0.35>
3)from Triumph Tune/Moss,as recommended for their 'Sprint' Camshaft:
Choke<30> Auxilliary Venturi<4.5> Main Jets<1.25> Emulsion Tubes<F16>
Air Corrector Jets<1.80> Idle Jets<0.50/F9> Accelerator Pump Jets<0.35>
4)Steve Phillips(an engineer friend/Triumph tuning guru),as fitted to my
Choke<30> Auxilliary Venturi<4.5> Main Jets<1.55> Emulsion Tubes<F11>
Air Corrector Jets<2.00> Idle Jets<0.45/F9> Accelerator Pump Jets<0.50>
5)Chris Kantarjiev <cak@dimebank.com> as fitted to 'bubba' his GT6
Choke<28> Auxilliary Venturi<4.5> Main Jets<1.10> Emulsion Tubes<F2>
Air Corrector Jets<1.60> Idle Jets<0.45/F9> Accelerator Pump Jets<n/k>
It has taken me about ten years to collect these details,for reasons best
known to themselves,this is information that those people with Webers fitted
to their Triumphs do not seem to want to let others have,quite what they hope
to gain,by keeping such details secret is beyond me,because,at best these
details can only be used as a guide to help someone with Webers to get their
engine up and running,until it can be properly set-up to take into account
all the variables,such as wear/tear,(if any),camshaft,airflow in/out of the
engine,distributor etc.
Anyhow,I hope I was of some help to Bob Lang,(our friend from MIT),and any
other Webered Triumph enthuisiasts.
I look forward to reading any other forthcoming thread on this subject.
Regards to you all
Leon F Guyot
Triumph Sports Six Club International Liaison Secretary