>What I was wondering is if any of you netters have a recommendation for an
>inexpensive wire wheel parts place?
Since we're talking Wire wheels, 4 out of my 5 steel wheels are bent.
Here's the dilemma,I don't want to spend the $100+ x4, for new steel
wheels, when I can almost get reproduction Panas. or Mins. for not much
more, furthermore, although I like the Pana style on some cars, I'm not
convinced I want to go this rout. What I would like to use are spokesbut
can't aford the $ 2400+ cromes, and it will be a month of Sundays before
I will get around finacially to buying the 72 painted $1200+. My question
is has anyone successfully aquired some nice used spokes resonably
priced? Any sources/ Please let me know
Phil Smith
Tampa, FL.
69 TR6