> I have just come from my local Smog Check station. The same station that
> has been issuing bits of buracratic paper to my cars for several years.
> This is the first check on the Triumph, the first check under Smog II.
> Well... They produced a book published by the State of California that
> lumps all Triumphs 1.3L & 2.5L (except Stag) into one bunch for the years of
> 71 and '72. This catagory specificaly states that all of these cars have
> a dual diaphram distributer setup. (This is of course bunk.) Of all the
> Spits, GT6, TR's, and such there may be a few with the advance/retard
> distributer. Certainly not all. None the less. "Sorry, your car has
> been 'modified', and as such will not pass visual inspection."
> This is a clear error, oversite, omission, in the State's referance book.
> My car was originally sold in California in 1972 and has been passing smog
> checks ever since smog check have existed. Now, in l997, the 1997 Smog
> Regulation volume has listed equipment that the car has never had, BUT is
> required to have.
> Welcome to legislated obsolesence.
> Now all I have to do is find a smog check station that thinks that they know
> what they are doing and does not "look up" the required equipment. (the
> equipment that the car never had)
A similar thing has happened to me with my TR7. Their book and computer says
that the car should have an EGR valve when there were no EGRs fitted to
FI cars. However, I have not had a problem because the emission stickers
under the hood show no EGR and the underhood area looks nice and stock and
intact. The tester simply makes a judgement. The mis-information I was
referring to has to do with cars being confiscated and crushed. Smog Check II
is a deeply flawed system and that is why there is a strong movement to stop
it. There are currently 2 pieces of legislature to scrap it and make CARB
start over as well as the bill (SB42) to reinstate the 25 model old exemption
which would cover your car next year.
The best thing you can do is relate this story in a concise letter to your
state representative, don't be emotional and call everyone an idiot. Stick
to the facts. If you want include a copy out of the factory manual showing
the emissions schematic for your car if you have it. Send the same letter
to your state senator, addresses for both in the front of your phone book.
Send a further copy to the Association of California Car Clubs, I don't
have an address but their phone is 818-242-8770. They the lobbying group
for classic car owners and they are fighting this and can use all the
ammunition they can get.
As for your test, take along your service manual if it shows the configuration
of your emission system and tell the guy his book is incomplete, don't say
wrong. That book is wrong for many cars so he may have figured it out for
himself. Ask around and see if there is a test station that other older
car owners have used where the technician has all his neurons firing.
Yes its frustrating. But lets try and get the damn thing changed. CARB needs
to be sent a message that they should do their jobs right. I have written
my state rep and senator and outlined all the "horror stories" I have heard
and suggested that they defund CARB until they get their act together.
Nothing gets a beaurocrats attention faster than having his budget cut.
Good luck, and let us know what happens.
Kurt Oblinger
Redondo Beach, Ca.