For anyone who was following the TR3 rack and pinion conversion:
After spending all winter piddling around with this rack and pinion
conversion, we got a nice break in the weather and the final pieces came
together this evening.
As usual, stupid glitches. I carefully measured the mounting bracket to
clear the radiator, but at last, the lower drain tube will not allow the
radiator to fish into place. Guess it's time to talk to someone who knows
'bout radiators. Do they come apart anymore than just the frame and the
core, or can I take it apart and remove the lower main outlet, put the
whole mess back together around the new bracket and re-silver solder it in
place? It'll all fit if I can just figure out how to put the lower outlet
in from the bottom and the main core down from the top, (the drain valve is
not problem, it screws out and give me plenty of room) or am I looking at
one piece? I am considering fabricating some sort of disconnect on the
lower tub, shortening the tube to it's minimum and hoping that is enough to
allow it to fall into place. I really don't need much (about 3/8 to 1/2")
which would probably be a better thought so the radiator can come out more
Any ideas?