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Re: TR3 Catalogue from TRF

To: TeriAnn Wakeman <>
Subject: Re: TR3 Catalogue from TRF
From: Robert J Carley <>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 11:04:31 -0500 (EST)

These numbers ARE relatively small when compared to the VW Beetle :-)


On Thu, 20 Mar 1997, TeriAnn Wakeman wrote:

> At  8:35 AM 3/20/97 -0500, Robert J Carley wrote:
> >RE: producing a TR2-3A catalogue.  Considering the relatively small
> >number of these cars that were produced originally, I think TRF is to be
> >commended.  I don't own a TR 2-3A car, but assume those who do should be
> >quite pleased with this development.
> Relativly small number?
> The following data comes from the book "TR for Triumph"
> There were approx 380.000 Triumph TRs made between 1954 and 1981.
> TR2, Approx 8,600
> TR3, Approx 13,350
> TR3A Approx 58,200
> TR3B Approx 3.330
> Total about 83,480 built which is about 22% of the Triumphs built between
> 1954 and 1981
> Compare this with the 8,450 TR250s built and that TRF has a catalogue for
> the TR250.
> There were only about 10,000 more TR6s build than TR2-3Bs.
> TeriAnn Wakeman            For personal mail, please start subject line
> Santa Cruz California      with TW.  I belong to 4 high volume mail lists
>      and do not read a lot of threads..Thanks
> Medium & large format photography, 1960 Land Rover 109,  1961 Triumph TR3A

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