Henry Frye and the List,
I wish I could take the credit for "discovering" how much better the Ryder
trailer was for LBC's than the U-Haul. Unfortunately, I used the U-Haul,
because I didn't know better. The initial source for the Ryder came from
elsewhere on the list. I struggled with the U-Haul; nearly dropping my TR3
off the trailer within an hour of ownership. After learing about the Ryder
trailers from the list members, I decided to torture myself and I went to
see the Ryder trailers; they are much better.
Henry, thanks for the compliments, but I never would have known without the
benefit of someone else on this list. All I did was scream a warning in
capital letters.
Best of luck with the new car.
Jack Brooks
>Some will remember a thread last month I started about transporting my
>TR3B that has been resting for some 20 years. The consensus was to go
>with a Ryder truck and auto trailer.
>Well, I finally got some decent weather and I picked it up yesterday.
>The northeast U.S. has had lousy weather on the weekends for weeks! I
>finally saw a window of opportunity and took it. All is safe and sound.
>I need to thank Jack Brooks for being 100% on target with his strong
>suggestion to go with the Ryder equipment.