On 13 Mar 1997, Spitfire 1500 wrote:
> I would never put copper on
> anything due to the fact that copper does tend to expand and will crack.
> Sure, in a perfect world, if everything is secured properly, it won't.
> But our LBCs are not perfect, introducing many different vibrations
> through the frame and chassis.
Again, copper lines of a wall thickness, material and quality suitable for
brake use have been user for Little and Large BCs in the UK for ages.
Automec, who sell them by the ton, insist they are original fitment on
several quality cars. I myself do not have the means to own one of these
cars, so I can't verify it!
But be warned, copper lines for plumbing use is NOT suitable.
But only to repeat myself: If you have legal or other worries about
copper, then do at least use copper nickel. It is not THAT expensive, and
for instance Volvo have been using them for ages, surely for the US market
also(?). Their appearance is not like copper, they do in fact look like a
mix of copper and steel colour. Almost as easy to flare as copper, bends
better, and doesn't rust. Neither from the inside nor the outside.
Email: egilk@sn.no Voice: +47 22523641, 92022780 Fax: +47 22525899
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URL: http://home.sn.no/home/egilk/ PGP: finger:egilk@sn.no