Stephen T. Hopkins wrote:
> I ordered my 73/6 direct from the factory and it came with "brushed" trim
> rings.
> Steve Hopkins
> 1973 TR-6
> Arlington, Virginia
> >Were the original trim rings installed on US version TR6's bright
> >chrome, or satin? My car appears to have original trim rings installed,
> >but they are not "bright" like the ones you can now purchase. They have
> >more of a "brushed", or satin appearance. Is that the original finish,
> >or did a PO maybe use brillo pads to clean them?(!)
> >
> >Martin Libhart
> >1972 TR6 (driver)
> >1970 Spitfire Mk.3 (under restoration)
> >
> >
Thanks, Steve, for your input. That's pretty good documentation for me.
I thought mine were the originals, and frankly, I like their look better
than the bright chrome rings. Mine, fortunately, are in very good
condition, too. No dents/dings, just some severe discoloration on one of
them - looks like an inappropriate cleaner of some type was sprayed on
it and a reaction occurred. I'll be trying to find a way to remove that
blemish soon.
Thanks, too, Richard (Ceraldi) for your quick input.
Martin Libhart
1972 TR6 (driver)
1970 Spitfire Mk.3 (under restoration)