On Wed, 12 Mar 1997, Philip E. Barnes wrote:
> Is this the first reported outbreak of Shipwright's Disease this year? Is
> that vaccine available yet?
While it is the first documented case of the diesease, here at the
institute we fear that it is only the tip of the ice-berg.
Our attempts to produce a strong enough Vaccine to counter this diesease
are floundering. Every month we hear of re-manafactured parts that are
introduced and prompt an outbreak. you are all aware of the symptoms,
'ooh the so and so looks a bit tatty, and the gimcrick behind it is
worn.......' When it reaches this stage there is very little we
professionals can do with out the co-operation from the affected party.
as you know again these addicts rarely want to stop.
I'm sorry to paint such a grim picture but that is how it is, I must go
now and take the carpet out....ARRRGGGHHH one of the petri dishes must
have been broken........!
Prof J.Storm LSd, Pi and TC
Institute for the prevention and
cure of perfectionist related
Bangor Uni