1. Installed spin on adapter/filter to my '72 TR6; with a little (<5
degrees) tilt towards rear of car, I easily remove oil filter. BTW , I
use FRAM 3600 or WIX 51516; LOVE the WIX!!! Reputed to do the best job
and I feel it does! Deutsch okay in a pinch. Now about the fuel filter
interference, why? I added a few extra inches of fuel line to either
side of fuel filter and can remove/install fuel filter with no problem.
FWIW I use Fram G-2 fuel filter prior to fuel pump and nice little glass
one (name slips at the moment, Guiness Stout?) just prior to carbs; both
very easy to change. $0.02
2. On the 6-PACK Surrogate buyer network: I only list a guy in LA, no
one in the SF/Oakland area. Best of luck. Any volunteers to view the
car for Chet? All it takes is a bit of time, a good drive for your LBC
and knowing the weaknesses/idiosynchracies of the car. Understand, you
are not buying the car but have to present your best objective
ideas/opinions to the intended buyer; photos help; sunnyu days too!
Yours in Triumphs, Steve Wilson
ps Been to Korea, Chet. I really liked it. I traveled around a lot
helping the ROK maritime guys. Try the bus ride to Dong Hae from Seoul:
winding thru mountains our Triumphs would love! The island of Cheju Do
is very good, too! Touristy in a slow style and quaint. Go out of your
way to the local inns and restaurants; try the Korean style room:
elevated and heated floors, sleep on very comfortable pads. Eat the
local food and stay AWAY from SOJU!!!!! High alcohol content (rice base)
enough to fuel our TR and more; no need for fuel filter it's so pure!
Enjoy yourself. Alias: Hawkeye