>>(Heuer, Paul) writes:
>><< Hi all,
>> I picked up this book at a garage sale on the weekend & wonder if it is rare
>> and valuable or just another item of junk for my bookshelf:
>> "Triumph Cars" by T.P. Postlethwaite 1959
>> "A practical guide to maintenance and repair covering all models from 1937"
This publication is quite common on this side of the Atlantic and I
have seen many copies over the years for sale at Autojumbles or second hand
book shops. It usually fetches around £10 in good condition or maybe a
little more if the dust jacket is present. Postlethwaite also produced
service books for specific models and I have a few of these. They are nice
to have and give a "period feel" to the whole package of classic car
ownership. Keep picking them up where you can. I have a selection of
contemporary books relating to the Triumph marque and to motoring in
general from th 50's and 60's. If anyone want's more data please let me
know. Teaser: I have a copy of "Turn Left for Tangiers" the Hard Way for
John Gillis 1954 TR2.