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Re: your mail

To: Richard Jackson <>
Subject: Re: your mail
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 1997 12:15:02 +0000
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
>>On Tue, 4 Mar 1997, GEORGE DAVID LACK wrote:
>>> Dear Triumphs,
>>>                 On a recent trip to north Wales i saw a splendid red
>>> coloured 1500 spit. As this is close to me, i wondered if i could contact
>>> the owner for a bit of a natter.
>>>                         Yours Sincerely,
>>>                                         G.
>>No SOD OFF!! The owner doesn't want to speak to people like you!!
>>Well Probably! fell free to ask them if you can inspect their boot space
>>for size etc!!
>>Johnny Storm
>>A splendid red spitfire 1500 located in north wales!
>oh yeah, this is the bloke who I am supposed to be emailing to try and convince
>to buy a Spit eh Johnny!!!  SO BUY ONE, otherwise I'll ring the Allegro Club's
>recruitment officer and tell them your interested in one, a fate worse than
>death, and a damn site worse than ANY Jehova's Witness!!! :-) (thats bound to
>have upset someone) :-)
>ps, if you wanna see a REALLY nice Spit, got to Leicestershire, there's a
>gorgeous Yellow MkIV there eh Johnny!!! :-)

Is that the gorgeous one with the nice face on the bonnet?....yummy....
and anyway, the allegro is a fine british car with all of the hallmarks of
austin quality engineering etc... etc... (that should get a few people going

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