On Wed, 26 Feb 1997, KEVIN EDDINS wrote:
> I recently found that i had a bit of water in the gas tank. Upon removing it
> all i found that i had a little visible surface rust.
> For about $50 - $60 i can have it cleaned at a radiator shop, but i was
> hoping that there was some type of chemical that i could purchase and
> do it myself.
> If anyone knows about such a product, please let me know.
Eastwood sells a gas tank sealer kit (I believe it's in the
neighborhood of $25). Included is a length of chain (to knock the
big chunks of rust off). To clean the not so flakey areas of rust
(and to etch the surface of the metal) they include a bottle of
phosporic acid. Once you've treated the tank with the acid, and
thoroughly rinsed the tank, there's a bottle of solvent that will
remove any errant water left over from rinsing. Then there's the
the coating cream (It's an acryllic-like paint that is sloshed about
inside the tank till it coats everything). Once dry your fuel tank
should remain rust free (at least from the inside)... I hope.
The whole process takes several days... You don't need any special
tools (other than materials necessary to seal the tank, and a hair
After sealing the "Green Man's" fuel tank this weekend, the idea of
someone else doing the job for $60 seems almost like a bargain...
Of course YMMV..
Greg Petrolati
gpetrola@prairienet.org 1962 TR4 (CT4852L)
"That's not a leak... My car is just marking its territory!"
Greg Petrolati, Champaign, Illinois