You wrote:
"Have a question concerning my lighting system ('62 TR4)... Headlights,
brakelights are working. The left side blinkers work as well. However I
can not get the right side (fore or aft) turn signals to work... Although I
didn't think it was bulbs because front AND back were out - I figured start
simple and go from there - bulbs were OK.
Then figured I'd try to check the ancient Flasher swith - I jumped the
signal from the left side terminal on the switch to the right side switch
and, low and behold, there were my rights blinking happily!! I immediately
congratulated myself and placed my umpteenth Moss order which included a new
Flasher switch thinking I'd solved the problem. Well, the new one came and
I plugged it in and sank when I got the same result as that old rusty switch.
Continuity to the lights from the switch must be good, right? - since they
worked with flasher jumped? So is there some problem with power to the
switch for that side? But if one side works then musn't both be getting
power?? It's probably real simple but it's got me stumped!"
Without knowing exactly where you made the jumper connection, I can't be
sure, but I can think of one possibility. The wires from the TS switch coming
through the steering column plug into small, black rubber connectors. The
wires going to the lights plug into the other side of these connectors. Have
you checked the connector for the right side for continuity? If you made the
jumper connection "downstream" of the connector, and it is bad, you would get
the symptoms you described. Simple as they are, these connectors do fail
You''ve got my curiosity aroused now; please let us know when you find out
what the problem is.