This is a copy of a letter from last September that I have saved,
hope it helps, I've never tried it...
Joe IV
TR 250
> In a message dated 96-09-10 01:05:50 EDT, ngaard@utxvms.cc.utexas.edu
> (Michael Noerregaard) writes:
> << I read a while ago that it was possible for a (modest?) fee to obtain a
> copy
> of the original specs for a Triumph by comm. number, what dealer it was
> shipped to, the first owner, etc. - but can't quite remember how to go about
> it. Was it through the Vintage Triumph Register? Or am I on the wrong track
> here? And was there a concensus on the list as to if one could pay by credit
> card, check, or...?
> Any help will be greatly appreciated, >>
> Michael,
> I think you are referring to the Production Record Certificate available from
> the British Motor Industry Heritage Trust (BMIHT)
> They have a home page at http://www.ipl.co.uk/MG/heritOOa.html
> Contrary to what their home page says, they WILL take a Visa card.
> The cost is 20 english pounds ($31.21 when I did it in May) You can phone,
> fax, or snail mail your request to them with your name, address, car comm.#
> and credtit card # and the certificate will be in your hands in less than a
> week. It's a nice looking certificate and will show complete information
> about your car as it left the factory (right down to brand of tyre) as well
> as the date built, date dispatched, and distributor it was shipped too.
> Their address: BMIHT, Academic Services
> Heritage Motor Center
> Banbury Rd, Gaydon
> Warwickshire, CV35 OBJ
> United Kingdom
> phone: (01926)641188 fax: (01926)641555
> Cheers !
> Jack Mc