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More Blimey

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: More Blimey
From: "Kevin O'Driscoll" <>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 15:30:50 -0500 (EST)
Well, I'll be dipped in turtle turds. Rumor has it that Luke Egan sold his
Triumph. The traitor...  I bought my project after he wrote an R&T column
on the TR4 about a year ago and it brought back too many memories of my
Dad's old TRs to resist.  I suppose he's laughing now... Egan that is, I
know my Dad is chortling under his breath at my restoration struggles. Of
course Egan had probably bought up half the TR4 spares in the
USA before he wrote that one... shrew businessmen these journalists.
I expect he'll have all the spares out on his front lawn in May now...
        Which reminds me of a good Irish joke I'm entitled to being from a
Republican family myself,(Grandpa had to leave in '28 after Barry and
deValera killed Collins you know, wrong side of the West Cork mafia I
guess), anyway I got so bloody frustrated the other day I decided to blow
it up in good Irish Republican fashion, the car that is, not my family. 
So I got a line on me man (a friend of friends of friends of the Nanny, ya
know they're all over here in safe houses straight out of boats and
smelling of fish).  
        So I says to me man,"Do ya think you can do the job?" "Sure, and 
if I'm after not doing a good job you won't see much of me willya?"
And I says, "the less I know the better, just remember, this is for
insurance not blood eh?"  And me man says "fine." So later that week me
man shows up again with his mouth all bandaged up and still driving the
TR4.  And I say: "What happened?" "Well, we couldn't spare the plastic on
this beater, so I tried plan B and burned me lips on the tailpipe"
New York

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