We can't wait until May to get on the road so some of us Triumph
drivers are planning on going to an All British Car Day in New Orleans. It
is being put on by the Rolls/Bentley club. The date is March 22. We are
planning on arriving Friday afternoon.
There are two main Classes:
.One is on the1000 point system and all cars are grouped together. The top
10 win the prizes. Should be a very competive field. Thats were you will
find me. Now if I can only get a bonus point per mile driven!
.Participants Choice were everyone votes for themselves. The guy with 3
votes wins;-)
Its only a 525 mile trip (each way) for us. We are trying to arrange to
pick up some additional cars from Houston on the way. Are there any other
SOL in the area planning on going?
BTW I did find a source for leaded or unleaded hi-octane fuel in New
Orleans as well as Houston. If you are planing a trip and looking for "good
fuel" try calling VP Racing Fuels 210-635-7744 and ask for the number of a
distributer in the area you are heading. They sell this stuff all over the
Austin, TX