Hi all. Time to impart more mechanic type tricks to all those who set
their own tappets (tappets?!?)
The Haynes manual refers to a schedule of "do 5 and 7, bla bla bla",
very confusing, not to mention annoying if you start at the wrong place
since you go through the list from middle to middle. Try this...
step 1: roatate the motor in normal running direction until a pair of
rockers suggest two valves are fullt open. Stop.
step 2: count from the front (if front half) or back (if back half) how
many valves the open valves are "in" from the end of the motor.
step 3: Adjust the valves on "the other half" of the motor that are the
same number in.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ie 1 down, adjust 12.
3 down adjust 10.
etc. Since I have hydraulic lifters on the "german car" I haven't done
this in a while and can't remember if you can always set two valves at
once. I think so. And I'm not sure if this works on assymetric cams
that may find their way into TR's today, but I do know it works on a
stock tr blank.
BTW, pulling all the sparking plugs is a good idea too since no
compression resistence makes the job go so much faster. Get to look at
the plugs too!
Good luck
Dave Terrick