Lenny Seidman wrote:
> Stuart Bollen wrote:
> > >I have heard that TRF are in financial trouble, and have to pay cash up
> > front.
> >
> > Also Technical help- forget it since Dave Hagenbush left.
> What happened to Dave?? Where did he go?
> --
> Lenny Seidman
> Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, USA
> email: lseidman@erols.com
Dave's still there. If you've been to the summer party or by TRF you
know they have quite an inventory. I also think they have the most
extensive listing of Triumph parts in the world. Just compare their
catalogs with Rimmer Brothers. It's true that the English take off at
Christmas and it seems to take about a month for them to crank up
again. For example TRF's main upholstry supplier, Newton, does great
work but is well known for delays in shipping. Hang in there with TRF,
they really do care about our cars. Can't say that about some of the