DuPont Centauri acrylic enamel? I just bought a
> pint for touching up under the hood. Minimum thinners I could buy was a
> gallon for $25, so I turned down the $34 hardener, since this is an airbrush
> 25cc type job. The dealer told me it would be 30 days before the paint was
> hard enough to polish out. Is this true, as I want to reinstall the
> accessories before I forget where everything goes!
Your dealer is correct
You need the hardner. Using Centauri under the hood, it is also a good
idea to use the "anti-fish-eye" additive.
I don't know what reducer/thinner you bought but, a fast reducer
normally sells for around $15 a gallon.
Hardner should sell for around $12 for a half-pint.
Centauri paints are usually thinned 3 to one depending on which paint.
Cannot recommed you use this paint without hardner.