Dennis writes :
> However, are there any
> parts, seals etc that it would be wise to replace whilst the tranny is out
> the car? Any parts that have a short life or are prone to failing and should
> be replaced????
Yes, while you have it out it's a good idea to replace the 'o' rings and
seals. Victoria British sell just such a kit for the 'j' type (and I'm sure
others, vicky brit just comes to mind) not too difficult really, did mine
before installing the overdrive in my GT6+, but that again depends on your
level of mechanical ability.
> How should I clean the INSIDE of the tranny? Fill with gasoline and slush
> around? Add several changes of oil? Slush around automatic tranny
> fluid?
I wouldn't worry about getting the inside clean unless someone poured
sawdust or something inside. Just drain the oil and refill. When you do
look for bits of metal, don't worry about the shinny brassy color, unless
there seams to be an awfull lot. That's just normal synchro wear. If you
find small/large pieces of steel/brass it might be wise to inspect the
insides. It might also be a good time to replace the synchros (since you
have it out of the car already, half the work is done) as third and
especially second usually wear out rather quickly. This of course would
require a transmission teardown whereupon you can clean the parts to your
heart's content! And if your going that route, then it would be foolish not
to replace all the bearings as well! If it were my car I would do a
teardown/inspection which is what I do with any used part I get. With a
tranny, especially in a triumph where you practically have to tear the whole
car apart to get it out is it worth the chance of installing a bad one?
I'll be doing this to the single rail 'J' type I'll be installing in the 70'
( someday ). Look very closely at the layshaft bearings, and the small
(slightly larger on the single rail units) input/output shaft needle
bearings as theese seem to go first -
Barry Schwartz (work) (home)
(San Diego)
70' Spitfire (major surgery almost done) , 72'-V6 Spitfire (daily driver)