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OD comments/questions

Subject: OD comments/questions
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 15:30:35 1996
As the addition of OD seems to be a popular question, I have
a comment and several questions.

1.  adding an OD is an expensive project, if you obtain the OD
    only, the top cover needs drilling for switches, dash needs the
    new switch, adaptor plate must be obtained ($100+), main shaft
    in the trans needs replacing ($200+, as not all parts are available
    meaning its another royal headache).  And there is a good chance
    the speedo will be way off as the speedo drive cog AND worm gear
    are wrong.  You'll quickly top the $1k marker, and its alot of work.

2.  it would seem that changing the diff gears would easily give you
    the gearing necessary for highway speeds.  The TR6 can go from
    3.7 to 3.45 (non-US) which should be almost as good as adding the OD
    for knocking down the RPM's at cruising speeds.
    Cheaper, easier, better approach?

3.  As all the J-type OD parts are available and maybe all of the
    A-type, why doesn't the factory sell these?  The European market
    seems to have many of these available anyway for cheap prices,
    why are they expensive here?  (maybe I should trade a couple
    of rustfree TR6's for a container of OD's and PI's)

4.  Why do I see rebuilt prices for transmissions w/OD in England
    for less than the cost of the trans rebuild kit alone in the U.S?
    What's wrong with this picture???  (US income tax rate have something
    to do with the labor cost?  US mechanics take longer than UK

1.  Anyone know how to read the code on the side of an OD?  TR6's
    came with A-type 22/61753/00xxxx and 22/61985/00xxxx
    A local junk car (non-triumph) has what looks like an A-type

    What do the numbers mean?
    Can I order a manual to understand this mess?

1.  Reading between the lines and based on the UK prices, it would
    seem possible to have standard transmissions rebuilt with new
    or rebuilt OD added for $600.  Then you've got a solid plug
    in unit.

2.  Until the above occurs, changing the rear gears seems the best path.


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