While exploring my worn bottom end bearings I took a close look at an
access port in the bottom, front of my gearbox, just in front of the
drain,actually beneath the clutch. It is approximately 3 inches in
diameter with equidistant three studs to hold the cover in place. I
hadn't had much experience with gearboxes and it didn't raise my
curiosity when I looked the car over to purchase it. Now with the car on
jackstands it doesn't look like an OEM access port, even for Triumph.
None of the reference books I have show this access port.
Can someone who knows these gearboxes let me know if this is a DPO's work
or OEM?
Thanks in advance for the anticipated bad news.
Jack Brooks
Hillsdale, New Jersey
1960 TR3-A TS69032L
1974 Norton Commando Roadster