In a message dated 96-12-27 09:49:55 EST, (Michael
Burdick) writes:
<< In this scenario, the feeler guage gives an adjustment that is too loose.
The best fix is to replace the offending rocker. There are tools that
supposedly allow you to obtain proper clearance but I have no experience
with these - I think Gunson sells one called "Click-Adjust" or something
to that effect. I think there is a company listed in the Monster List
that rebuilds rocker gear for reasonable prices - you might check that out
too. >>
Another way is to set the rocker's with a dial indicator guage. You adjust
them until rocking the rocker arm gives you a reading of the proper clearance
on the dial indicator. I wonder too if the worn face of the rocker arms
could be ground smooth. I believe they are case hardened, but this could be
redone after they are ground.