Doctors have a saying:
ªIf you hear hoofbeats, don¹t look for zebras.ª
In tracking down the source of the gasoline fumes in my ¹74 Spit, I needed to
look no further than the trunk. Upon removing the cardboard tank cover, I
noticed that a small amount of gasoline had pooled in part of a bottom trunk
seam, turning the sealer into this gawd-awful black oily substance. (Said
substance not only stunk to high heaven, but is almost impossible to remove
from one¹s skin.) Anyway, a little further investigation revealed that a DPO
had repaired a bottom corner of my tank with some kind of putty that leaks a
little, particularly if the tank is full. Over time, the leak turned my trunk
seam sealer into a new molecule, one I have called ªsmelzonya.ª
To remedy this situation, I will Llikely just replace the tank (though they
are hard to find either new or used). If there¹s someone in the D.C. area with
a mostly rust-free used tank, I¹ll help you free up some garage space ... or
does anyone know where to get a new one?
Martin Secrest
¹74 Spitfire 1500