Jack Brook wrote:
> Chet,
> You may want to check out Juno. It is free E-mail. Only two
> inconvieniences are that you cannot receive attachements and file
size is
> limited to 64,000 K.
I absolutely think this is an excellent idea! Earlier this year I
outfitted many members of the San Diego Pantera club with Juno, and it
has been a smashing success. Most of these people had never even used
a computer, but easily installed the software and were up and running
in no time.
To get a copy, call 1-800-654-JUNO. Delivery of the floppy disk takes
about a month. All you need is a 386 (or higher) PC running Windows
3.1 (or higher), 4Mb of RAM, 10Mb of freee disk space, 3.5" floppy drive,
VGA monitor and 2400 (or higher) baud modem). You probably have that
The only cost is that of a local telephone call. No start up fees, no
monthly fees. Free.
How can it be free? Well, when it starts up, there is a *pesky*
advertisment that pops up first, but click on the mouse and its gone!
Its a full mailer, with customizable mailing lists, folders, spell
checking (hey, maybe I should use it!), point-and-click interface,
Its worth a try guys 'n gals. I truely sympathize with Mark because
it has taken me a month to set up a mailing list for Pantera's using
the same MajorDomo software. It can be a nightmare, particularly for
lists with a large membership.
So dont sign off! There are a lot of you who are regular
contributors, and I really value your input. It will be a loss to the
rest of us if we are to lose your expertize, advice and wisdom, and
occasionally, wit.
Shane Ingate, no speel chekker in Sna Dago