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Re: AOL'ers need a supplemental E-Mail account?

To: (Jack I Brooks),
Subject: Re: AOL'ers need a supplemental E-Mail account?
From: (Carol)
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 1996 01:58:06 -0600 (CST)
At 09:44 PM 12/11/96 EST, Jack I Brooks wrote:
>You may want to check out Juno.  It is free E-mail.  Only  two
>inconvieniences are that you cannot receive attachements and file size is
>limited to 64,000 K.  I keep one Juno account for the list and a seperate
>one for the family E-Mail.  We also have another E-Mail account for
>receiving attachements.
>Call 800 info for their number. 
>All Standard disclaimers apply.  I know nothing, I see nothing, I have no
>personal interest in Juno. 
>Jack Brooks

I have no $$-interest in Juno either. But my offer to send Juno to anyone
who wants it may e-mail me their snail-mail address and I will send them a
copy of the software. I have sent about 30 disks so far. 

I don't know what Juno's status is as regards to sending out disks, but, as
I type, it was about a two-month wait to get the "official" disk. They said
it's ok to put it on bbs's or to send it to friends

My offer still stands. If you want the program (Juno) e-mail me with an
address and I'll send you a copy of the disk. 

My motive?? None. 

Lotsa' people have helped me, to date, and will continue to help me with
"stuff" I don't 
know about. 


"As you approach life's curves, never brake and always leave skid marks!"

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