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Re: What oh what is an LBC

Subject: Re: What oh what is an LBC
From: (Jack I Brooks)
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 1996 21:44:48 EST
References: <>

Very close! There is a site on the web "" which explains this and
many other terms and also contains much useful triumph stuff.  Hopefully
you have ineternet access. It is as follows:

BTW, (by the way) LBC is a little British car, large british car, or
little british convertable depending on who you talk to.

Good luck.

Best regards

Jack Brooks
Hillsdale, New Jersey
1960 TR3-A TS69032L
1974 Norton Commando Roadster

On Wed, 11 Dec 1996 08:56:36 GMT john gillis <> writes:
>I have been on this list for over a year now and I just cannot take 
>any more.I
>understand 98% of you out there  are from the good old U.S of A and as 
>can easily make sense of the vast range of cute little short cuts 
>round the 
>English language. But have a heart, I'm just a simple Irish man trying 
>hard to
>make sense of aal of this in an attempt to pick up some useful advice 
>(which I
>have) I am beginning to find my way round some of these strange uses 
>of the
>Queen's English, but what oh what is an LBC, please tell me before my 
>fertile imagination runs away with me e.g Long Black Car
>John Gillis. 1954 TR2 undergoing the works
>Trinity College

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