Where did you get the S.U.'s? How much did they cost? Did it require a
change in the linkage? I would love to them on my 6. Do you have any
influence with Santa???
Michael Mason
My life-size, 3-d puzzle of a TR6 is almost together.
On Sun, 8 Dec 1996 Jdttrs@aol.com wrote:
> Still not satisifed, I decided to try a set of SU's. I put on a set of new
> HS6 SU with
> needles for a TR6. These SU's came with adjustable jets. With this set up the
> engine
> will idle smooth as silk and I can adjust the idle speed down to 850 RPM. The
> engine
> runs good and this is on a 69 TR6 with untold number of miles. The engine has
> not
> been rebuilt in the 10 years I have had it and doesn't burn oil.