Spit74@aol.com wrote:
> Having sandblasted it clean today, I noticed that it has a hairline
> fracture. My local guy suggests that a welder that does work on heavy
> cast iron parts will be able to repair it. Anyone have experience
> with repairing a header?
Yes, I have. After grinding and preparing the crack, do make shure they
heat it all up to cherry red in an owen first, then oxy/actyl weld with
the proper rod (while still red), and finally destress it via a slow
returning to normal temperature in the owen... Then it'll be as original
again. If any of the steps in the process fails the header will crack
again eventually...
Odd Hedberg
Pomonagatan 4 International liaison secretary,
S-74236 �sthammar Triumph Club of Sweden
Sweden '70 Spitfire Mk3 FD82497LO Signal Red
Club URL: http://www2.passagen.se/triumph/
E-mail: odd@triumphclub.se
Telephone: Int+ 46-1731 7131
Geographical Position: N 60deg15min E 18deg23min