Dan Dilucchio wrote:
[snip]Ross: Thanks for the information. .......... my '66 Spitfire. Bought
it from a fellow in New Jersey who was the second owner. Second owner has
had it since about '69. For the last five years it has been up on blocks -
in a garage. PO drained gas, oil and
break fluid. Body is solid. One or two small holes in the driver's side
- it needs painted badly because it has been painted badly (originally
then blue,red and now white) - lots of scratches - the cosmetics can wait
until I get it running. Dropped a battery in on Saturday and checked out the
electrical system and everything looks ok. Good tires, top is ok - worn but
can live with it for now. Small crack in the top of the dash but repaired -
new carpeting - roll bar (looks good but not sure it is installed with
in mind!) - steel wheels with the small chrome hubs (one is dented pretty
badly) - original seats and upholstry which is ok - will need a new muffler
since I knocked off the resonator while transporting on a trailer from NJ to
PA. I have a local Brit Mechanic gettting it road worthy - he's available in
about a week or so - hopefully I won't need alot (famous last words I
Chrome is ok, I need a new front Piece (I'm not certain what to call it -
the main horizontal bumper but one of the small verticle chrome pieces).
It's called a front bumper overrider. New ones ARE available, but not cheap
- figure about $45 each from Victoria British. TRF might also have them.
[snip] With the car came misc. parts which I have been going thru - alot of
junk -
although I did get a windshield (good glass which I am going to put in the
'66 since there a slight scratches from the wiper blades) and the frame.
Also, if you know of anyone who could use them I have two doors to a GT6.
I don't need the GT-6 doors, but there are a lot of other Triumph owners on
the list who I know will be interested in thise doors. Post a message to
the list and see who responds. Good luck.
Ross D. Vincenti
64 Spitfire 4 (almost done!)
64 Porsche 356C Coupe (driveable, next project)