> O.K. Go ahead and laugh. But in all my years of driving Triumphs, I
> don't know what MOT means. I know what it is, the British safety check.
> Can any of our British brothers/sisters clue me in? While I'm at it
> let me ask about your registrations. I've seen cars listed as V or S or
> some letter for registrations. Does this correspond with the month they
> are inspected or something?
> At least you can't see my face turning red!
> Bill Wood
> Greensboro, N.C.
It's the Ministry of Transport test.
When you say "cars listed as V or S" presumably you mean the
registration mark. This corresponds to the year that the car was
first registered. New registration marks are issued in August of
every year so there are two marks for each year. Before and after
August 1st. So you hear people refer to a car being a "1977 on an S
plate" or a "1977 on an R" . The mark is a suffix (After other
numbers and letters which refer to the cars place of registration) up
to the letter Y (1983-4) and then there is a prefix thereafter
starting with A (1984). New cars are now on the letter P. This
system causes problems because the whole country wants to buy a car
with the latest registrarion plate to try and better their
neighbours. So consequently about 90% of new cars are bought in
August of every year. Snowing the motor trade under at this time and
leaving them with poor sales for the rest of the year. Moves are
afoot to change this with a new registration plate every 3 months or
Hope this helps,
Spitfire 1500 1977 on an S
Dr J.E.Miles
School of Biological Sciences
University of Birmingham
Birmingham B15 2TT
Great Britain
Tel. 0121-414-5884
Fax. 0121-414-5925