Eric Straub wrote:
> I was reading through a book on triumphs and saw leather upholstery
> listed as a factory option on the Spit Mk II. I'm wondering if this
> was true or an error? Has anyone seen a spitfire with factory leather?
> If so, what parts are done in leather. I'm restoring a 67 & the one
> variance from stock I'm thinking about is leather for the seats.
> Eric.
> (restoring 67 Mk II Spit)
try mailing Robert Ylitalo up in Kiruna Sweden. He's got one.
Odd Hedberg
Pomonagatan 4 International liaison secretary,
S-74236 Östhammar Triumph Club of Sweden
Sweden '70 Spitfire Mk3 FD82497LO Signal Red
Club URL:
Telephone: Int+ 46-1731 7131
Geographical Position: N 60deg15min E 18deg23min