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RE: gt6 list

To: "" <>
Subject: RE: gt6 list
From: Jane Burdekin <>
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 1996 05:30:33 -0700
Encoding: 22 TEXT
So far there are 19 triumphs on the list, about 17 people, some people have 
2.  I don't have your information yet.  What year is your car, numbers, 
color, and where are you.  Thanks, Jane

So far there are 19 GT6's on the list, about 17 people, some people have 2. 
 I don't have your information yet.  What year is your car, numbers, color, 
and where are you.  Thanks, Jane

From:   kevin huff[]
Sent:   Monday, November 18, 1996 10:13 PM
Subject:        gt6 list

Jane, I'm very nervous about this. I always thought I was alone in my
affair with the GT.And now whats it going to be ? A few answers ,a
dozen,hundreds! I can see support groups springing up.My wife will
understand that I'm not the only one.Great idea.

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