>On Wed, 13 Nov 1996, Gregory Petrolati wrote:
>> I got this tip for fine tuning Stromberg Zeniths from an old TR
>> duffer, who shall remain nameless (his initials are I.K.).
>> #1. Remove ZS carbs from their mounts.
>> #2. Carefully remove all linkage.
>> #3. Take both carbs out of the garage
>> #4. Pick a direction and throw carb #1 as far as you can
>> #5. Throw carb #2 as far as you can in the opposite direction
>> #6. Get SU carbs
>> I tried this method with the ZS's that came with the "Green Man".
>> It worked like a charm.
>Greg - sounds like the same advice I got from an ex-racer/factory
>mechanic I know.
>Mark - I suspect that there a great many more SU's mouldering away in
>storage than there are Weber DCOEs, hence a great number of us eagerly
>anticipate your findings. Anybody got a single inch and a half SU for
>sale or swap (anticipating positive results and getting my query in
>before the rush).
>Does anyone know if the manifold in question would work with a GT6 or are
>there clearance problems with the front carb? Also any data on needles
>and jets (just when I thought I had a two carb setup sussed)?
>GT6 Mk3
What would be up with puttin eithier triple Stroms or SUs on the Bomb?
Would I use a front carb or rear one in the middle, etc.... Thanks.
Jeff Stovall
"I'm God's gift to humility."
1966 Triumph GT6 mk1