emanteno@ix.netcom.com wrote:
> On 11/12/96 14:34:15 you wrote:
> >At a recent local Pantera club monthly meeting, we had a fellow from a
> >gasoline research organization. He spoke of Marvel Mystery Oil,
> >saying it was developed during WWII for aircraft gas applications
> >(sorry, I've forgotten why). However, he did add that the new gas
> >that is now sold in California has also the deletarious affect (in
> >addition to rotting older rubber gas lines) of exacerbating rust
> >in fuel tanks, and that several oz's of MMO every few tankfuls helps
> >prevent this rot.
> Shane's note about fuel system rot reminded me to post this for those who may
>have replaced
> stock mechanical fuel pumps with electric ones. I did this in my TR6 over 15
>years ago. I used
> the interrupter/diaphragm style fuel pump. My first pump lasted over 10
>years, my second lasted
> over 5, the last one was dead in just over a year. We (myself and my local
>parts house)
> determined by reading the information that comes with a new pump that this
>style of pump is not
> compatible with the EPA mandated oxygenated fuels, the fuel attacks the
>innards of the pump. If
> you have or want to go to an electric fuel pump, be sure to buy one that is
>intended (and says
> so) for all types of fuel.
> Irv
> 74 TR6 CF22767U
> Highland Park, IL
Speaking of such matters, what is the thought of using a lead additive?
Your experiences with performance and engine maintenance would be
Scott Suhring
Elizabethtown, PA
'70 TR6